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"%'"; $filterTitleArr[] = "work discussed is '" . $worktitles[$filter_work] . "'"; $showFiltersForm = TRUE; } if ($filter_haslink != "") { $filterSQLArr[] = "weblink <> ''"; $filterTitleArr[] = "article has a web link"; $showFiltersForm = TRUE; } if ($filter_has_tvalink != "") { $filterSQLArr[] = "((tva_link IS NOT NULL) AND (tva_link <> ''))"; $filterTitleArr[] = "article has a review on this site"; $showFiltersForm = TRUE; } if ($filter_hasnosourcenotes) { $filterSQLArr[] = "((source_notes IS NULL) OR (source_notes = ''))"; $filterTitleArr[] = "article has no source notes"; } $SQLquery = "SELECT * FROM articles"; $SQLwhere = implode(" AND ",$filterSQLArr); if ($SQLwhere != "") $SQLquery .= " WHERE " . $SQLwhere; // work out ordering & which headings to show: $SQLorder = ''; if (($filter_group_2 != 'none') && ($filter_group_1 == 'none')) { // if only a second-level grouping is provided, use it as first-level: $filter_group_1 = $filter_group_2; } if ($filter_group_2 == $filter_group_1) { // if both filter groups are the same Ñ remove the second level: $filter_group_2 = ''; } // ** make sure the data arrives sorted so that it can be presented with the user's choice of headings: for ($headerLevel = 0; $headerLevel < 2; $headerLevel++) { // what is this header type? if ($headerLevel == 0) { $filter_group = $filter_group_1; } else { $filter_group = $filter_group_2; } switch ($filter_group) { case 'pubtype': $SQLorder .= "pub_type IS NULL, FIELD(pub_type,'book','print','web','podcast','dissertation',''), "; $headingTypesArr[$headerLevel] = 'pubtype'; break; case 'category': $SQLorder .= "category IS NULL, FIELD(category, 'Biography','Introductions','Summaries & Overviews','Reviews','Criticism','Dissertations','Letters',''), "; $headingTypesArr[$headerLevel] = 'category'; break; case 'work': $SQLorder .= "work IS NULL, FIELD(work,'VTA','HW','SPH','MDM','TVA','DT','TW','PHN',''), "; $headingTypesArr[$headerLevel] = 'work'; break; case 'decade': $SQLorder .= "FLOOR(year/10), "; $headingTypesArr[$headerLevel] = 'decade'; break; case 'none': // no grouping break; } } // requested (or default) sort order switch ($filter_sort) { case 'author': $SQLorder .= "author, year, title"; break; default: $SQLorder .= "year, author, title"; break; } if ($SQLorder != '') { $SQLquery .= ' ORDER BY ' . $SQLorder; } // ** the page subtitle is a readable version of the user's search requests: $pageSubtitle = implode(", ",$filterTitleArr); ?>

On this page I attempt to provide a bibliography of all the books, articles and essays dealing significantly with David Lindsay and his work. I haven't included books or essays that merely mention him, or go through standard information (encyclopedia entries, for instance). Where possible, I've linked to online versions of the articles (look for the word link after the article details). If I've written a review, summary, or note on the article/book elsewhere on this site, you'll find a on-site review link after the entry.

You can change the way this list is sorted, and the way it is divided into headings, by selecting from the options below.

(Any information about items missing from this page, or errors to those listed, is .)

Sort options
Headings:   subheadings:
Sort by:
Search options (clear)
Year (from):
Year (to):
Publication name:
Work discussed:
Publication type:
Web link available: >
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Show edit link: >
Show filters form: >
Show source notes: >
'No source notes' filter: >
Listing articles where
query($SQLquery)) { die ("
Sorry, there was a database error.
"); } } else { ?>
Sorry, the database is not connected.
num_rows; if ($recordCount > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { extract($row, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "article"); // show headers? for ($headerLevel = 0; $headerLevel < 2; $headerLevel++) { if ($headingTypesArr[$headerLevel] != '') { // show a level-x heading: $this_heading = ''; $this_heading_display = ''; switch ($headingTypesArr[$headerLevel]) { case 'pubtype': $this_heading = $article_pub_type; if ($this_heading == '') { $this_heading = 'No publication type listed'; $this_heading_display = $this_heading; } else { $this_heading_display = $pubTypeNamesArr[$this_heading]; } break; case 'category': $this_heading = $article_category; if ($this_heading == '') $this_heading = 'Uncategorised'; $this_heading_display = $this_heading; break; case 'work': $this_heading = $article_work; if ($this_heading == '') { $this_heading = 'No specific work discussed'; $this_heading_display = $this_heading; } else { $this_heading_display = $worktitles[$article_work]; } break; case 'decade': $this_heading = floor($article_year/10); if ($this_heading == '') $this_heading = 'Date unknown'; $this_heading_display = $this_heading * 10; break; } // do we need to show a heading? if ($currentHeadingsArr[$headerLevel] != $this_heading) { // current heading value is different, so store it: $currentHeadingsArr[$headerLevel] = $this_heading; // ...and show it: ?>
() (' . $article_year . ''; } // pages: if ($article_pages != "") { // show p. or pp.: if (strpos($article_pages,'-') !== FALSE) { $issue_details_pages = 'pp. ' . $article_pages . ''; } else { $issue_details_pages = 'p. ' . $article_pages . ''; } } // assemble details: $issue_details = $issue_details_vol_and_issue; if ($issue_details_date != '') { if ($issue_details != '') $issue_details .= ', '; $issue_details .= $issue_details_date; } if ($issue_details_pages != '') { if ($issue_details != '') $issue_details .= ', '; $issue_details .= $issue_details_pages; } echo($issue_details); ?>) () link on-site review (edit)
free(); } ?>

