The Planet of the Spiders

by Terrance Dicks

First published: 1975

Reprinted 1978, 1979, 1980

Cover artist: Alun Hood


'It's happening, Brigadier! It's happening!' Sarah cried out. The Brigadier watched, fascinated, as the lifeless body of his old friend and companion, Dr Who, suddenly began to glow with an eerie golden light... The features were blurring, changing... 'Well, bless my soul,' said the Brigadier. 'WHO will he be next?'

Read the last exciting adventure of DR WHO's 3rd Incarnation


Prologue: The Mystery of the Crystal
The Menace at the Monastery
The Deadly Experiment
The Coming of the Spider
The Chase for the Crystal
The Council of the Spiders
Arrival on Metebelis Three
Prisoner of the Spiders
The Doctor Hits Back
In the Lair of the Great One
10  Return to Earth
11  The Battle with the Spiders
12  The Last Enemy
Epilogue: An End and a Beginning