The Tomb of the Cybermen

by Gerry Davis

First published: 1978

Reprinted 1979, 1981

Cover artist: Jeff Cummins


The Cybermen — silver, indestructible monsters whose only goal is power — seem to have disappeared from their planet, Telos. When a party of archaeologists, joined by the Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria, land on the Cybermen's barren, deserted planet, they uncover what appears to be their tomb.

But once inside it becomes clear that the Cybermen are not dead, and some in the group of archaeologists desperately want to re-activate these monsters! How can the Doctor defeat these ruthless, power-seeking humans and the Cybermen


Introduction - The Creation of the Cybermen
Victoria and Jamie
An Expedition in Space
The Entrance to the Tombs
Cyberman Control Room
The Recharging Room
The Target Room
The Finding of the Cybermat
The Secret of the Hatch
The Cyberman Controller
10  Release the Cybermats
11  The Controller is Revitalised
12  Toberman Returns
13  Closing the Tombs