Molly Millie May McGrew

Molly Millie May McGrew (illustration)
The bravest girl I ever knew
Was Molly Millie May McGrew
She stood no more than four foot two
But she’d outfaced the Gobbledigoo!
(I know this because she said it was true)
The Gobbledigoo has hundreds of heads
Half of them living, half of them dead
It lurks in the shadows beneath your bed
(Or if you have drawers, in your cupboard instead)
It’s the worst ever monster, or so Molly said
It doesn’t eat flesh or skin or bone
But sucks out the you that makes you your own
Leaving a shell, like a cardboard clone
Empty, unfeeling, bereft and unknown
(Molly said this in the scariest tone)
You can’t treat this creature as you might some bug —
Whack it, or catch it quick under a mug —
That thing is a horror, a brute and a thug
But Molly being Molly, she gave it a hug
(She said, with an isn’t-it-obvious shrug)
It faltered, then froze, then it started to purr
(She said she’d have stroked it, if it had had fur)
Then something no one could have thought would occur:
It vanished “with neither an um nor an er”
(Molly is really a rare raconteur!)
So here’s to the bravest girl I ever knew
To Molly Millie May McGrew
She stood no more than four foot two
But she’d outfaced the Gobbledigoo!
(I knew this, and now so do you!)
Copyright © 2018 Murray Ewing.